"Connecting People to Christ and Community"
"Connecting People to Christ and Community"
Shenendehowa UMC
2022 Impact
God has worked in and through the Shenendehowa UMC congregation in 2022!! In this report, we are excited to share some of the impacts that have been made locally, in our country and throughout the world. It's inspiring to see how the Shen UMC has come together in the name of Christ!
Letter From Pastor Lee
What a year in the life of the church! There is no way to capture all of what has happened at ShenUMC this year in the following report, but what’s below is our best attempt at highlighting a few of the ways God is actively working in and through each of you. The staff, church leadership, and I say, “Thank you and well done!”
We trust that in 2023 we will continue to live more fully our mission of “Connecting People to Christ and Community.” This includes striving for excellence within our traditional, contemporary, and online worship services; placing high value on reaching out missionally to people and organizations within our community, country, and world; and offering more opportunities for discipleship. In doing so, we desire spiritual growth within each individual and numerical growth within our congregation as we become more and more like Jesus. As always, the only way any of this will be possible is by God’s blessing and your active participation in the life of ShenUMC.
So, here is this year’s “Impact Report!” Let’s give thanks for the impact we have had this year in Clifton Park and beyond and let’s pray that our impact on God’s Kingdom here on earth will be even greater next year. May it be so!
Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. Our mission is very simple: "Connecting People to Christ and Community."
We’re not about a building or a complicated religious system, but about helping people from all backgrounds discover the joy that comes from knowing and serving Jesus Christ.
Worship & Prayer ~ Serve ~ Share ~ Study ~ Give
2022 has been a year filled with mission and outreach at Shen UMC. It's through the church body joining together that we are able to successfully reach out to our community, country and world. Click play below to see the many mission and outreach efforts we have taken on this year!
Community Dinners
Volunteer Hours
Preschool Enrollment
Rise Against Hunger Meals
Mission Giving
VBS Registrations
Zambia Well Repair
"Shenendehowa United Methodist Church, your gift of safe water has changed everything for the Mtendere community. Thanks to you, the residents now have safe water in abundance right outside of their homes. They no longer have to rely on distant and unsafe water sources or fear not having one of life's most basic necessities. Your gift has provided them with the means to escape reaction-based patterns of living. Sustaining their rehabilitated well has instilled hope and confidence in the community members. Your gift also serves as a reminder of God's great love for each person in the community, evidence that he cares both for their physical and spiritual needs."
-Living Water International
We're not done yet! Upcoming Mission and Outreach....
Small Groups
Whatever your interests might be, SUMC has a small group that will help you grow your faith, serve your God, and enjoy fellowship with others!!
Traditional 9AM Service
Contemporary 11AM Service
On Line Streaming Service
Laurie Schellinger
God has blessed each of us with gifts and talents, but we may often need encouragement or inspiration to find the way to use those gifts for a larger purpose, for God's glory. I would like to highlight one example of how SUMC has helped me acknowledge and use my gifts to bless others, and in turn enhance my own faith and life.
Bob Atkinson
I once had a grandchild, who as a teenager was struggling with his faith in God. He asked me why I did so much for the church. I told him that I support the church because I believe in what is being done here.
Jennifer Diviney Fiori
I believe wholeheartedly that we are each given gifts and we should be excited to share those gifts with one another! So go ahead, let your light shine! Jump on in and try something new today!
Virginia Spickerman
Why is Shenendehowa United Methodist special to me? At SUMC, I discovered uplifting, scripturally based worship where I could learn and walk deeper in my faith.
Give: 2022 Finances
Where Our Donations Go
Year to Date Finance Summary
2023 Budget Allocations
Goals for 2023
Tell us which of these are important to YOU??
Your Spirtual Growth and Being.
Bible Studies
Engaging the Confirmation Classes
Spiritual Growth
Attend Worship Regularly
Re-Connect after the Pandemic
Act on your faith. Select a Mission, plan it, publicize it, and invite the community.
Invite the community to our 20,000 Meals Ministry.
2 or 3 times a year, stage a big event, well-publicized here at SUMC.
Free Carnival for the Community.
Cook Meals for a Non-Profit.
Gather group(s) from our church and go to where a need is already established. Support other organizations enmasse’ (We don’t need to search for a need - just help OTHERS that have already established a need!)
Partner with Community Groups to extend
the love.
Partner with Town or Cheryl's Lodge to identify mission needs.
Use SUMC as a gathering point to send aid to disaster areas.
Boost our Visitation Outreach
Develop Expertise in Publc Relations, get the word out on all we do.
Perhaps engage a local college for project opportunities.
Find new Leaders, new Volunteers, new Ministries
Find New Leaders
Do Skills Assessment, find new Volunteers.
Identify new ministries and missions.
It's YOUR turn!! Let the Church Council and Staff know what Goals
and Missions YOU would like to work on and see prosper in 2023.
If we partner together, who can stop us??
We are in the process of creating the 2023 budget. As part of this process, church leadership will be setting goals, and reviewing the pledge drive results. We anticipate sharing a proposed butdget with the congregation in December.
We pray that the messages of the fund drive will inspire our membership to keep our ministries strong...
We hope you will partner with us in
2023 to achieve our mission:
"Connecting People to Christ and Community"
Have Questions?
Give us a shout!